Upon entering our website, you agree to the terms and conditions of confidentiality herein specified. The information contained herein is confidential, owned by Grupo Out Helping, S.C., its subsidiaries and/or collaborators, and in some cases constitutes trade secrets.

Confidential information may contain personal data, sensitive personal data, and other information considered confidential under applicable law. Accordingly, the information contained herein is shared solely for informational purposes and for the proper fulfillment of the labor, tax, and contractual obligations of Grupo Out Helping, S.C., its subsidiaries and/or collaborators.

The confidential information contained herein is and will remain the sole and exclusive property of Grupo Out Helping, S.C., its subsidiaries and/or collaborators, and may only be used as a means of information; it may not be downloaded or shared with third parties who have not been authorized to have direct access to this site. In the event of disclosure of confidential information, you shall be liable for any damages incurred to Grupo Out Helping, S.C., its subsidiaries and/or collaborators. You also acknowledge that the Penal Codes in the Mexican Republic establish penalties for the disclosure of trade secrets, and in all cases, you shall be liable for any damages incurred to Grupo Out Helping, S.C., its subsidiaries and/or collaborators.